Mounting TrueNAS to Jellyfin using fstab

This is another self-note that I am publishing in my journey of setting up a Home Lab. You can set up Jellyfin in TrueNAS itself, but given my proxmox setup, I have TrueNAS running in a VM and have LXC running Jellyfin…and I want them to talk. Why/What? We’re going to mount a pool in TrueNAS within Jellyfin so you can put all your movies/shows in that pool and then have them show up in Jellyfin....

May 27, 2024 210 words 1 min

Using ddclient for Reverse Proxy with Cloudfront for Proxmox and Home Assistant

I’ve been in the process of setting up Home Labs for both myself and my parents. One surprisingly annoying issue has been accessing these servers externally (for VPN access and enabling webhooks for things like Home Assistant). I am documenting the steps I took mostly for myself, but hopefully it helps a few folks as well. Note: for folks using just Home Assistant standalone, I would use the DuckDNS integration. I am doing this because I have multiple containers that need reverse proxy access....

February 19, 2024 630 words 3 min

Zoom's Missing Platform

Zoom’s stock has more than doubled YTD, largely propelled by the COVID-19 crisis. It blew past 300M daily meeting participants, revenue is up 88% in 2020, and net income is up 6x. Those numbers might provide some insight as to why the market is trading the company at over 70x LTM revenue (yes, you read that right), but provides little justification. The market is trying to bake in the massive shift in communication: Zoom is trying to be your remote office....

Engineering Lessons From High Output Management

I’ve made it a habit to buy books on the spot whenever someone gives me a “must-read” recommendation. So, when my friend, Tomas, gave me this recommendation, I bought it right away. To my surprise, when it finally arrived, I went to place it on my bookshelf next to two other copies of this exact same book I had ordered before. On written reports and specs Across the board I think teams can benefit from improving the quality and quantity of planning documents (product & tech specs) prior to building anything....