This is another self-note that I am publishing in my journey of setting up a Home Lab. You can set up Jellyfin in TrueNAS itself, but given my proxmox setup, I have TrueNAS running in a VM and have LXC running Jellyfin…and I want them to talk.


We’re going to mount a pool in TrueNAS within Jellyfin so you can put all your movies/shows in that pool and then have them show up in Jellyfin. For me, this allows me to backup my media but also have it all very accessible via my FireTV.


On TrueNAS

The steps on TrueNAS is pretty simple:

  1. Create a user - I called mine jellyfin and set a password
  2. I gave that user access to the pool with all my media
  3. Done!

On the Jellyfin LXC

First you need to install cifs-utils:

apt install cifs-utils

And then create a file /root/.smbcredentials and put the credentials of the user you created:


And then finally edit /etc/fstab:

//{pool-name} /media/ cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,x-systemd.automount,uid=0,gid=0,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,vers=3.0 0 0

Make sure you point the IP address to your TrueNAS instance and you replace {pool-name} with the pool that contains your media.

Now run the following and your media files should be available at /media/ in Jellyfin!

mount -a